Research Assistant Zeyneb Ayla Kirenci Eruzun

Teaching Staff

She graduated from Trakya University, Department of Architecture in 2014. In 2018, she completed her master's degree at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Department of Architecture, with her thesis titled "Boyabat and Traditional House Architecture - The Case of Çay Mahallesi". She is continuing her PhD education at Yildiz Technical University Architectural Design Program, which she started in 2018. In 2016-2017, she worked as an architect in the IBB Directorate of Cultural Heritage Preservation, in the inventory of historical buildings in Istanbul. Between 2017-2020, she worked as a research assistant at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Department of Architecture, in architectural design projects and urban design courses, and in various commissions. As of 2020, she continues her academic studies as a research assistant at Samsun University, Department of Architecture. Her academic interests including; architectural education, cognitive science, neuro-architecture, architecture and environmental psychology, traditional architecture.