Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Onur Yıldız
Samsun University Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Department of Neurology
Education and institutions where he worked: Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine (2004-2010), Sinop 112 Command Control Center, general practitioner (2010), Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, specialty training (2011-2016), Tokat State Hospital, Neurology specialist (2017), Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, subspecialty training (2018-2020), Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital, Clinical Neurophysiology specialist (2020-2023).
Research Areas: Electrophysiology (electroencephalography, electromyography, polysomnography), Epilepsy, Neuromuscular diseases, Sleep disorders, Deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's Disease.
Selected Studies: Syncope associated with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in a patient with Parkinson’s disease (2013). Volumetric analysis of the subthalamic and red nuclei based on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with Parkinson’s disease (2014). Ultrasonographic findings in hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (2015). Effect of Age and Disease Duration on the Levodopa Response in Patients with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease for Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus (2016). Characterizing the Intraoperative Microelectrode Recording-Induced Microlesion Effect on Motor Symptoms in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus (2019). Microelectrode Recording for Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease: Advantage or Loss of Time? (2019). Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus on the Postoperative Levodopa Response: One Year Follow Up (2021). The Relationship Between Mortality and Hospital-Acquired Infections in Patients Followed-up with Neurological Complaints in the Third Level Intensive Care Unit (2021). Multicenter Validation of Individual Preoperative Motor Outcome Prediction for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease (2022). Electrode Fixation with Bone Cement or Stimloc® in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery: A Comparative Study (2022). Neuroprotective effects of carvacrol against cadmium-induced neurotoxicity in rats: role of oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis (2022). Neuromodulatory effects of hesperidin against sodium fluoride-induced neurotoxicity in rats: Involvement of neuroinflammation, endoplasmic reticulum stress, apoptosis and autophagy (2022). Visual Evoked Potentials in Patients With Vitamin B12 Deficiency (2022). A clinical evaluation of gelastic and dacrystic seizures: a multicenter study (2022).