Education: Ph.D., Samsun University
Research Areas: Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Searchs.
Selected Studies: She wrote her master’s degree thesis titled “The relationship between consumers’ ethical positions and their perspectives on halal tourism, the example of Samsun” (2019) at Ondokuz Mayıs University of Business . “The relationship between consumers’ ethical positions and their perspectives on halal tourism, the example of Samsun” (2020) are her published article.
Project Information
Project Name: Investigation of the Regulatory Role of Export Segmentation Strategy Effectiveness in the Impact of Marketing Intelligence Behavior on Export Performance in Exports
Subject of the project: Despite the well-known importance of exports, Turkey's achievements in line with export-based economic growth targets are not yet at the desired level. As a matter of fact, the share of Turkey's exports in world exports (0.97%) confirms this finding today. Turkey ranks 20th in the world in terms of export and import volume and 29th in the ranking of export figures with USD 254.2 billion (world export value USD 24.9 trillion). it is ranked (WTO, 2022). When the share that Turkey receives from global trade is evaluated; in particular, the effort to identify the obstacles to the development and improvement of exports, which are often associated with economic growth, and/or what are the factors that support exports is very important, and the effort related to these factors is considered as a research proposal that will never lose its relevance. For the current study, while the fact that Turkey's share of world exports is significantly below the satisfactory level is put forward as the main problem of the research, a solution-oriented approach to the development and increase of exports will be followed in this study. Exporting enterprises in Turkey are different from each other in terms of export potential. Therefore, both potential and existing exporting organizations show diversity in different respects within each other and within themselves. At this point, one of the research questions in the focus of the study is; “Why do some exporting companies achieve better export performance than others?" is defined as
Type of Project: Tubitak 1002
Scope: National
Start and End Dates: 01/09/2024 - 01/09/2025