Asst. Prof. Ali Gül

Head of Department

He was born in Samsun in 1979. He completed his elementary school, middle school, and high school education in Samsun-Çarşamba. In 2002, he graduated from Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Theology. In 2006, he completed his master's thesis titled "Anatolianism Thought in Nurettin Topçu" at Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, becoming an expert in the field of sociology of religion. Later, in 2021, he obtained his doctoral degree by completing his doctoral thesis titled "The Religious Attitudes and Moral Values of High School Students Studying at Turkish Schools Abroad (MEB)" at Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Social Sciences.

Between 2002 and 2021, he served as a Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge teacher and Branch Manager at the Ministry of National Education. Since 2021, he has been continuing his studies at Samsun University, Faculty of Theology, in the Department of Religious Education.

His academic areas of interest include values education, moral education, international education, and religious education curriculum.
