Asst. Prof. Yavuz Selim Küçük

Deputy Head of Department

Education: Ph.D. 2021, Hacettepe University, Department of Health Management

Research Areas: Health Management, Health Institutions Management, Health Policies, Health Economics

Selected Studies: He wrote his master’s theses titled “Opinions and suggestions of the Ministry of Health and health institution managers and health professional organizations on public hospital associations” (2012), and his doctoral theses titled “Evaluation of home health services provided by Primary Health Care Institutions and Hospitals: Ankara and Eskişehir Provinces Example” (2021). CURRENT APPROACHES TO HEALTH TOURISM (2020) has a book section titled “SPA Tourism”. In various national and international journals; He has articles on Evaluation of Health Managers’ Views on the Practice of Public Hospital Associations (2015), Awareness of Stool Occult Blood Screening and Screening Programs for People Living in Semi-Rural Areas (2018), Comparison of Home Health Services Offered by Primary Healthcare Institutions and Hospitals, A Cross-sectional Study (2021). He has two papers presented at national and international scientific meetings.
