Assoc. Prof. Semra Eroğlu


Department of Surgical Sciences, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Samsun University Faculty of Medicine

Education: Gazi University (2001-2007), Ankara Dr. Zekai TahirBurak Women’s Health Training and Research Hospital / Department of Surgical Medicine / Gynecology and Obstetrics – Assistant Doctor (2007-2013), Çorum Osmancık State Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist (2013-2015), Karabük University Gynecology and Obstetrics Department- Dr. Faculty Member (2015-2018), Başkent University Konya Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic-Dr. Faculty Member (2018-2021).

Research Areas: Factors affecting early pregnancy loss, factors affecting polycystic over syndrome and its medical treatment, osteoporosis approach and treatment after pregnancy and menopause, endoscopic uterine surgical approaches in acute vaginal bleeding. Her current study and research topics include cosmetic gynecological operations and reconstructive surgery, and the approach and treatment of sexual dysfunctions.

Selected Studies: She wrote her specialty thesis in medicine titled “Perinatal Outcomes of Pregnants with Preeclampsia: Experiences of a Tertiary Reference Center” (2013). She has attended gynecology, laparoscopic surgery (2016) and Gynecological Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Courses (2018). Her international works are original articles in SCI/E journals and she is the author of book chapters. Her national works consist of original articles in the UAK/TR index. Her main works are; Serum andplacentalperiostinlevels in womenwithearlypregnancyloss(2020). Awareness, knowledgeand risk factors of Toxoplasmagondiiinfectionamongpregnantwomen in the Western Black Searegion of Turkey (2020). Is the presence of Demodexfolliculorumincreasedwithimpairedglucoseregulation in polycysticovarysyndrome? (2019). Evaluation of bone mineral densityanditsassociatedfactors in postpartumwomen(2019). Platelet/lymphocyteratio is an independentpredictorforosteoporosis(2019). She has made and continues to make presentations at international and national scientific meetings.

Office: Samsun Health Application and Research Center (Samsun Training and Research Hospital)

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