Education: Ph.D. 2017, Karadeniz Technical University
Research Areas: Process-microstructure-mechanical property relationships of metallic materials, Severe plastic deformation methods (Equal Channel Angular Extrusion/Pressing (ECAE/B)), Ultra-fine grained metallic materials, Superplastic behavior in metals, Zn-Al alloys, Copper alloys, Tribology
Selected Works:
- M. Demirtaş, G. Pürçek, "An Overview of the Principles of Low-Temperature Superplasticity in Metallic Materials Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation", Materials Transactions, (2023) article number: 8366240
- M. Demirtaş, "Microstructural, mechanical and tribological characterization of Cu-Co-Ni-Be alloy processed via equal channel angular pressing", Materials Today Communications 28 (2021) 102676
- G. Pürçek, H. Yanar, M. Demirtaş, Y. Alemdağ, D.V. Shangina, S.V. Dobatkin, "Optimization of strength, ductility and electrical conductivity of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy by combining multi-route ECAE and aging", Materials Science and Engineering A, 649 (2016) 114–122
- M. Demirtaş, G. Pürçek, H. Yanar, Z.J. Zhang, Z.F. Zhang, "Effect of equal-channel angular pressing on room temperature superplasticity of quasi-single phase Zn–0.3Al alloy", Materials Science and Engineering A, 644 (2015) 17–24
- M. Demirtaş, G. Pürçek, H. Yanar, Z.J. Zhang, Z.F. Zhang, "Achieving room temperature superplasticity in Zn-5Al alloy at high strain rates by equal-channel angular extrusion", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 623 (2015) 213–218
- M. Demirtaş, G. Pürçek, H. Yanar, Z.J. Zhang, Z.F. Zhang, "Improvement of high strain rate and room temperature superplasticity in Zn–22Al alloy by two-step equal-channel angular pressing", Materials Science and Engineering A, 620 (2014) 233–240
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