Asst. Prof. Muhammet Ali Yılmaz
Samsun University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Surgical Medical Sciences
Education: 19 Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education, Istanbul Yedikule Thoracic Diseases and Surgery Training and Research Hospital Thoracic Surgery Clinic Medical Specialization, 19 Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery Assistant Professor, Samsun University Department of Thoracic Surgery Assistant Professor.
Research Areas: Lung cancers, volume reduction surgery of the lung, hydatid cysts, primary and secondary pneumothorax, malignant and benign tumors of the chest wall and pleura, empyema and decortication, non-surgical approach in congenital anomalies of the chest wall, immune system response to surgical trauma.
Selected Studies: "Factors affecting the rate of exploratory thoracotomy in patients with advanced NSCLC". He has 4 research papers, including 3 original articles and 1 case report in international SCI/E journals. In addition, he has 4 original articles and 1 case presentation in UAK and TR index. He wrote the chapter titled "Surgery and Cytokines" in the book titled "Cytokines and Diseases" published by Novo publishing. These studies have received a total of 194 citations.
Office: Samsun Health Practice and Research Center, Kamil Furtun Chest Diseases and Surgery Hospital.