Asst. Prof. Hatice Selçuk Kuşderci


Samsun University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Sciences, Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Education: Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine (1996-2002). Ondokuz Mayıs University Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (2006-2012).

Research Areas: Pediatric anesthesia, intensive care, organ transplantation, regional anesthesia, quality in health.

Selected Studies: She wrote her thesis on “Comparison of videoryngoscope and direct laryngoscope in terms of hemodynamics and intubation conditions in newborns” (2012). In 2019, she was entitled to receive the Quality and Standards Evaluator Certificate from the Ministry of Health. Some of her studies are: “Effects of different laryngeal mask types on hemodynamics and airway in pediatric” (2022), “Comparison of the Baska Mask® and Endotracheal Tube on Hemodynamic and Respiratory Parameters in Septoplasty Cases” (2020), “Caudal Anesthesia for Pediatric Subumbilical Surgery, Less Load on the Postoperative Recovery Unit” (2019), “Hemodiafiltration Practice in a Patient with Severe Amitriptyline Intoxication” (2018), “Interventional Lung Assist Application in a Case with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome” (2017), “Where are We on Organ Donation?” (2016). She has made and continues to make presentations at international and national scientific meetings.

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