Research Assistant Fatma Kaymakçı

Teaching Staff

He was born in Giresun in 1992. He graduated as the top student in 2010 from Kadıköy Anatolian Imam Hatip High School, and in 2016, he completed his undergraduate studies at Marmara University, Faculty of Theology. In 2019, he completed his master's degree at Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, with a thesis titled "Hacı Feyzullah Efendi and His Sufi Views: A Study on Nakshbandi Spiritual Guides." He is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at the same institute with the research titled "An Exegesis on Yâr Ali Shirazi and Iraqî's Commentary on Leme'at: Literature and Concept Analysis." Since March 2023, he has been working as a research assistant at Samsun University, Faculty of Theology.

His academic areas of interest are Sufi philosophy, Sufi history and literature, tekke culture, and manuscript studies.