Assoc. Prof. Enes Büyük

Head of Department

He was born in 1987 in Samsun, Terme. He completed his elementary school, middle school, and Imam-Hatip High School education there. In 2011, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Theology. In 2014, he completed his master's thesis titled "Israiliyat in Mâwardî's Tafsir named en-Nüket ve'l-Uyûn" at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Institute of Social Sciences, becoming an expert in the field of tafsir. He also obtained his doctoral degree by completing his doctoral thesis titled "The Problem of the Nature of Tafsir: Its Definition, Function, and Related Sciences" at the same institute in 2018.

He worked as a research assistant at Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Institute of Social Sciences (2014-2016), at Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Theology (2016-2018), and as an assistant professor at Trabzon University, Faculty of Theology (2019-2021). Since 2021, he has been continuing his studies at Samsun University, Faculty of Theology, in the Department of Tafsir.

His academic areas of interest include the nature and history of tafsir, tafsir-fiqh methodology, hermeneutics, semantics, literary text interpretation theories, israiliyat, and the commentary-literature (sharh-hashiya).
