Devam ediyor
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ulaş
Eğitim: Fırat Üniversitesi, Imperial collage (Lisans, Doktora, Post doktora)
Araştırma Alanları: Antioksidant, vitamin ve minareller, diyabet, postmenopozal durumlar, oksidatif stres ve kanser biyolojisi
Seçilmiş Çalışmaları: 17β-Estradiol and vitamin E modulates oxidative stress-induced kidney toxicity in diabetic ovariectomized rat.
Effects of 17β-estradiol and vitamin E treatments on blood trace element and antioxidant enzyme levels in ovariectomized rats
Trace element, antioxidant and oxidant levels in spinal cord injury: different perspective on the effects of valproic acid
Anti-diabetic potential of chromium histidinate in diabetic retinopathy rats Investigation of the relationship between betatrophin and certain key enzymes involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in insulin-resistant mice
Effect of vitamin E on trace element levels in various tissues of diabetic rats
Physiological aspect of apoptosis-regulating microRNAs expressions during fasting
The Effects of N-acetylcysteine on Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 2 Channels Activation and Expression in Testicular Tissue of Diabetic Rats